Customer Journey

A seamless path of co-creation



Your FIVSEN journey commences with an purchase enquiry. Here, we delve into your preferences and desires, exploring possibilities for your bespoke multisensory experience. This initial conversation is the foundation for understanding your vision, ensuring that the final creation aligns perfectly with your expectations and lifestyle.


Build List

Due to our limited production capacity, we operate a chronological build list. After finalizing the initial concept, we will arrange a slot for you. Once your slot is confirmed, your Portal and Set will be added to our production schedule and we provide you with an estimated completion date.


Design Process

The heart of customization lies in the design process, where our experts collaborate with you to finalize the configuration of your Portal and Set. This interactive phase, is where you select materials, finishes, and special customizations, shaping the Portal to reflect your individual taste and style. Our sensory experts conduct an expeditious profile and preference analysis to design the scent, sound as well as the light-setting and put together culinary selections for your desired multisensory experience.


Build Phase

As your Portal enters the build phase in our V-Studio in Graz, Austria, it's crafted by hand with unparalleled attention to detail. Concurrently, our team of experts meticulously assembles your Set, ensuring each component is crafted with precision and aligns perfectly with your chosen sensory preferences. Throughout this period, we keep you closely informed about the progress, ensuring you are connected to every step of the crafting journey.



The culmination of your journey is the delivery of your bespoke Portal and your personalized Set. We coordinate the logistics of collection or delivery, ensuring a seamless and secure transition to your space. Additionally, we compile a unique built-book, a narrative of your creation, chronicling each milestone and celebrating the journey of the creation.

Start your journey now

Purchase Enquiry

The first step towards enjoying hyper-personalized multisensory experiences. Your enquiry initiates the process of crafting your bespoke Portal and Set, both tailored to your individual preferences.

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